🍃My little devotion & intention for 2024!✨🎊🍃
🌱May we embody the knowledge that we are connected to the earth. To the soul, the trees, the air, every living thing, the sun, the moon.
🌱May we be grounded, in our purpose, our passion, our purest self without the labels & layers. Grounded in our gifts we give to the universe. Release what no longer serves our higher good.
🌱May we be rooted in stillness. Find comfort, listen, & love who we are in the quiet.
🌱May we protect what we value, through our voice & our actions.
🌱May we nurture what we continuously are cultivating, growing, with ease, patience, courage, compassion, & understanding.
🌱May our energy feel safe, balanced, interconnected, peaceful, healthy and strong as challenges arise.
🌱May our foundation be solid, secure, trustworthy, supportive, and loving, as we build community & togetherness.
🌱May we always know in our soul that we belong to each other. We are all connected. Every human being.
.🍃Root chakra Serum: @rootsandwingsyogawellness
🍃Root chakra mist: @essentialwellbeings