Balancing The Chakras

 🌈It's time to open up!🌈


Image 1: photo cred: yogapedia


What are chakras?

    Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel." Chakras are swirling pools of energy in our bodies. When life gets messy, these pools of energy become cluttered or obstructed by life's events, or another person's energy. Clearing the pools of obstacles (or the remnants we are holding onto) opens the chakras enabling them to receive and pass energy through to the next chakra. Each chakra corresponds to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. Chakras are various focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, and can be opened in asana practice as well! The concept of the chakra arose in the early traditions of Hinduism. As the chakras open and their energies connect to one another, we become deeply connected to ourselves, to the world around us, to others, to the divine. We experience Samadhi, oneness, union with the divine, or universe.



Muladhara (Sanskrit)

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, is red in color, and its element is Earth. The root chakra focuses on basic needs of survival, connection with family & friends, where trust develops, beliefs, loyalty, and physical connection to Mother Earth.


Connected Crystals: Hematite, Jasper, Obsidian, Tourmaline, Garnet

Connected Essential Oils: Cedarwood, clove, frankincense, ginger, myrrh, patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver, ylang ylang.


When *In Balance*:

We feel confident with change, trust our judgement, aware of past events but not emotionally connected. Able to sit still & are peaceful. We feel centered.

When *Out of Balance*: 

We have safety & trust issues, afraid to make changes, greedy behavior, often in fight or flight state, conflicting family beliefs, feel there is not enough time/money/fun/love.

Physical Symptoms when blocked:

Adrenal fatigue, obesity, constipation, depression, bladder infections, low back pain, sciatica, varicose veins.



Svadhishthana (Sanskrit)

Sacral Chakra

    The Sacral Chakra is located two inches below the naval, is orange in color, and its element is water. The sacral chakra focuses on creative energy, pleasure, what brings you joy, your self-esteem & self-worth, sexuality, and intimacy.


Connected Crystals: Carnelian, Sunstone, Citrine, Amber

Connected essential oils
: Jasmine, neroli, rose, orange, and sandalwood.


When *In Balance*:

We go with the flow, express our creative side, healthy sexuality, respect for oneself and others' boundaries, open to new experiences.

When *Out of Balance*: 

We have creative block, are narcissistic, controlling of others, overly protective of loved ones, unable to relate to others, attention seeker, fearful, can't let go, addictive behaviors.

Physical Symptoms when blocked:

Low back pain, bladder infections, sexual dysfunction, infertility, gout, digestive problems, alcohol & drug abuse.


Manipura (Sanskrit)

Solar Plexus Chakra

    The Solar Plexus Chakra is located two inches above the naval, is yellow in color, and its element is fire. The solar plexus chakra focuses on gut instinct, personal power, confidence, inner fire, our personality & identity, and how we relate to others.


Connected Crystals: Honey calcite, lemon quartz, pyrite, yellow topaz

Connected essential oils
: Bergamot, geranium, lavender, lemon, mandarin, neroli, peppermint, chamomile, rose, tea tree, vetiver, ylang ylang.


When *In Balance*:

We are aware of others' energy but not negatively affected, have inner strength, trust our gut, balanced ego, confident, takes personal responsibility.

When *Out of Balance*: 

We overthink, judgmental, don't trust others, low self-esteem, feelings of hopelessness, thinks self-worth is based on achievements, domineering & aggressive personality.

Physical Symptoms when blocked:

Ulcers, diabetes, nervousness, digestion issues, eating disorders, arthritis, addiction to stimulants.


Anahata (Sanskrit)

Heart Chakra

    The Heart Chakra is located above the heart, is yellow in green, and its element is air. The heart chakra focuses on love of oneself, compassion for others, resolves inner conflict, is the bridge between lower and upper chakras, link between body & spirit, earth & divinity. The heart chakra expands more when connected with pranayama or breathwork.


Connected Crystals: Aventurine, rose quartz, moss agate, jade, malachite, rhodonite, emerald.

Connected essential oils: Bergamot, eucalyptus, rose, jasmine, lemon, pine, rosemary, geranium, sage.


When *In Balance*:

We forgive others, practice self love, love for all living things, are kind & affectionate, nurturing, have inner peace.

When *Out of Balance*: 

We are co-dependent, hold onto grief, anger, guilt. Look for revenge, cold & distant, selfish, can't forgive or trust.

Physical Symptoms when blocked:

High blood pressure, asthma, frequent respiratory infections, heart problems, immune insufficiency, excess blood sugar, upper back & shoulder pain, breast problems.


Vishuddha (Sanskrit)

Throat Chakra

      The Throat Chakra is located in the neck, is turquoise in color, and its element is spirit. The throat chakra focuses on speaking our truth, expression through voice, communication, judgement, and living one's truth.
Connected Crystals: Turquoise, blue lace agate, Aquamarine, Blue Kyanite, Amazonite.

Connected essential oils: Chamomile, geranium, lemongrass, myrrh, pine, sage, and tangerine.
When *In Balance*:
We live by & speak our truth, are content being quiet in uncomfortable situations, able to express truth without anger, encourage others to speak their truth.
When *Out of Balance*:
We lie & manipulate, do not honor our word, have difficulty expressing ourselves, can be overly chatty, give opinion without being asked, interrupt others, critical of others, struggle making decisions.
Physical Symptoms when blocked:
Thyroid issues, mouth & throat infections, hormonal imbalances, itchy body, PMS & mood swings.


Ajna (Sanskrit)

Third Eye Chakra

     The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the forehead, is indigo in color, and its element is light. The third eye chakra focuses on intuition, wisdom, judgment, our connection to universal or divine energy.
Connected Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Labradorite, Flourite, Azurite
Connected essential oils: lavender, peppermint, rosemary, spruce, thyme, clary sage, juniper berry.
When *In Balance*:
We trust our own intuition, able to learn from all experiences good & bad, open to new ideas & guidance, open to potential, remain objective, able to detach from things which no longer serve us.
When *Out of Balance*: 
We are judgmental, driven by our ego, live in fear or blame, are prejudiced, put others down for following their dreams, feel stuck & can't see our future, difficulty accepting the truth.
Physical Symptoms when blocked:
Headaches, migraines, anxiety, depression, mania, paranoia, sleep disorders

Sahasrara (Sanskrit)

Crown Chakra

     The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, is violet in color, and is not connected with an element. The crown chakra focuses on understanding, devotion, spirituality, enlightenment, where we receive divine guidance.
Connected Crystals: Amethyst, Selenite, Quartz, Lepidolite, Celestite
Connected essential oils: frankincense, lemongrass, rosewood, jasmine, lavender, myrrh, neroli.
When *In Balance*:
We are aware of spiritual wisdom, have a balanced central nervous system, allow for spiritual growth, can see the bigger picture, at one with body-mind-spirit.
When *Out of Balance*: 
We may feel alone, disconnected, closed to other beliefs. Challenge others' beliefs/ethics, lack of inspiration, lack of reality.
Physical Symptoms when blocked:
Circadian rhythms are off, sensitive to light, sound. Exhausted, epilepsy, depression, confusion, dementia.

Vyapini (Sanskrit)

Soul Star Chakra

    Vyapini is located above the head, its color is white or the presence of all frequencies of visible light. Some sources say that its color is more golden in tone. It is the seat of the soul. It’s central to our purpose, life mission, and connection to a greater spiritual and universal consciousness. In other words, it’s foundational. It connects us to other dimensions or worlds, including those used in past-life regression, shamanic healing, psychic trance, and mediumship.The soul star is the fusion of the spiritual dualism of life on earth with spiritual oneness where we recognize that there is no separate self, but rather only one universal consciousness.
Connected Crystals: Quartz, Selenite, Howlite, Danburite,  Datolite.
Connected essential oils: Neroli, Angelica Seed, Lavender, Canadian Red Cedar
When *In Balance*:
When our soul star is balanced we have clarity on our purpose and why we choose this incarnation. Hence, it can clarify and orient us on our soul purpose. It can help us break through our limiting beliefs. Our authentic self is more easily revealed and can accurately steer us when the soul star is balanced and clear. Thus, we move through a meaningful life with conviction and ease.
When *Out of Balance*: 

We might be ungrounded, feeling disassociated from the earth, confused, spacey, lacking purpose, “blowing in the wind,” excessively daydreaming, unsettled, and directionless. constant craving. We could feel sluggish or stuck. Emotionally a weakness can manifest as anxiety, cynicism, depression, and generalized mistrust. We may lack faith, both spiritually and in ourselves. 

Physical Symptoms when blocked:
Physically, an overactive soul star can result in headaches and dizziness.

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