🍂🍁Happy Fall Y'all!🍂
The leaves are finally starting to change colors here, and transformation is in the air! The temperature has fallen, and it's truly beginning to feel like Autumn. I practiced yin yoga a few days ago, and my friend, and fellow instructor, Dawn, creates such a peaceful, magical space for healing. Only creating a handful of poses in the hour, and holding each one for 1-4 minutes loosens the fascia, the connective tissue, so mobility is more fluid! The webbing throughout our body can become tighter, causing pain and rigidity. So we loosen it up through long holds! We move like honey, nice & slow, and it’s so yummy! She led us through a meditation through the 7 chakras, from the root to the crown, and each one linked us to a specific tree whose leaves in Fall, are the color of the chakras! It was such a beautiful meditation, that I just had to share it with you all! She gave us a pamphlet from the Department of Natural Resources sharing a list of trees and their Fall leaf colors to take home! I love these special touches Dawn incorporates into her classes, full of love and intention, and even education! The nerd in me was thrilled!🌲🍁🍄🟫
🌈 Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel." Chakras are swirling pools of energy in our bodies. When life gets messy, these pools of energy become cluttered or obstructed by life's events, or another person's energy. Clearing the pools of obstacles (or the remnants we are holding onto) opens the chakras enabling them to receive and pass energy through to the next chakra. Each chakra corresponds to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. Chakras are various focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, and can be opened in asana practice as well! The concept of the chakra arose in the early traditions of Hinduism. As the chakras open and their energies connect to one another, we become deeply connected to ourselves, to the world around us, to others, to the divine. We experience Samadhi, oneness, union with the divine, or universe.
🌈 Let's begin our Chakra + Fall Leaves Meditation! Find a cozy room, bringing any blankets with you to your cozy spot. We will begin on our backs, connecting the spine and each vertebrae to the earth, or bring a bolster underneath the spine, length-wise, the edge right at the base of the spine, into a supported fish pose. This is one of my absolute favorite poses, it's so delicious, as the chest and heart open to the sky, and the shoulders melt over the sides of the bolster toward the earth. The low back is fully supported, a huge benefit to those of you like me who constantly experience stiffness and perhaps even a dull ache in the lumbar spine, where the lowest vertebrae meet the pelvis. Once comfy, perhaps with a cozy blanket, even a weighted blanket lying over you, I invite you to close the eyes, if this feels safe to do so.
🍁Let's take a deep inhale in through the nose, from the toes all the way up into the abdomen, expanding, taking up space, and exhaling slowly out through the mouth, the body deepening into relaxation & peace. With each exhale, it becomes longer and slower, so we calm the nervous system, finding regulation. We will take another deep inhale in through the nose, from the toes all the way up into the abdomen, filling up, up into the chest, expanding the ribs, filling the lungs, and exhaling slowly, out through the mouth, shedding everything that's happened this past week, even today, allowing the breeze to carry it all far away, no longer needed. We shed the heavy layers weighing us down, so we can become lighter and free. Our final deep inhale in through the nose, from the toes all the way up into the abdomen, up into the chest filling the lungs, expanding the ribs, all the way up into the crown of the head, and slowly exhaling out through the mouth, the exhale completely leaving the body, as we melt completely to the earth. We allow future to do lists to melt away, sending them back to the earth, to be refined for something better, something for our greater good.
🍎 We begin at the Root Chakra, our Muladhara. The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, is red in color, and its element is Earth. The root chakra focuses on basic needs of survival, connection with family & friends, where trust develops, beliefs, loyalty, and physical connection to Mother Earth. A few crystals or stones that are connected here are Hematite, Jasper, Obsidian, Tourmaline, Garnet. A few connected essential oils are Cedarwood, clove, frankincense, ginger, myrrh, patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver, ylang ylang. When our Root Chakra is in balance, we feel confident with change, trust our judgement, aware of past events but not emotionally connected. Able to sit still & are peaceful. We feel centered.
🐞Our Muladhara is connected to the red Fall leaf colors of the Red Maple Tree, the White Oak, and the Black Gum Tupelo tree. The next time you see these gorgeous trees, bring your awareness to your Root, and remember we are always connected to the earth, and her creations! Discover ways to remove obstacles, and open this red energy center, and find balance!
🔥Next, we travel up to the Sacral Chakra, our Svadhisthana. The Sacral Chakra is located two inches below the naval, is orange in color, and its element is water. The sacral chakra focuses on creative energy, pleasure, what brings you joy, your self-esteem & self-worth, sexuality, and intimacy. A few crystals that are connected here are Carnelian, Sunstone, Citrine, Amber. Some connected essential oils are Jasmine, neroli, rose, orange, and sandalwood. When our sacral chakra is in balance, we go with the flow, express our creative side, healthy sexuality, respect for oneself and others' boundaries, open to new experiences.
🐦🔥Our Svadhisthana is connected to the orange Fall leaf colors of the Birch, Sassafras, and Witch Hazel trees. The next time you see these gorgeous trees, bring your awareness to your Sacral, and remember we are always connected to the earth, and her creations! Discover ways to remove obstacles, and open this orange energy center, and find balance!
☀️We travel up to the Solar Plexus Chakra, our Manipura. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located two inches above the naval, is yellow in color, and its element is fire. The solar plexus chakra focuses on gut instinct, personal power, confidence, inner fire, our personality & identity, and how we relate to others. A few connected crystals are Honey calcite, lemon quartz, pyrite, yellow topaz. Some essential oils connected here are Bergamot, geranium, lavender, lemon, mandarin, neroli, peppermint, chamomile, rose, tea tree, vetiver, ylang ylang. When our Solar plexus is in balance, we are aware of others' energy but not negatively affected, have inner strength, trust our gut, balanced ego, confident, takes personal responsibility.
🌻Our Manipura is connected to the yellow Fall leaf colors of the Aspen, Hickory, and Butternut trees. The next time you see these gorgeous trees, bring your awareness to your Solar Plexus, and remember we are always connected to the earth, and her creations! Discover ways to remove obstacles, and open this yellow energy center, and find balance!
🌲 We've arrived at the Bridge! The bridge between the Root and the Crown, the bridge between heaven and earth, is the Heart. Our Anahata, the Heart Chakra is located above the heart, is green in color, and its element is air. The heart chakra focuses on love of oneself, compassion for others, resolves inner conflict, is the bridge between lower and upper chakras, link between body & spirit, earth & divinity. The heart chakra expands more when connected with pranayama or breathwork. A few crystals connected to the heart are Aventurine, rose quartz, moss agate, jade, malachite, rhodonite, emerald. A few connected essential oils are Bergamot, eucalyptus, rose, jasmine, lemon, pine, rosemary, geranium, sage. When our heart chakra is in balance, We forgive others, practice self love, love for all living things, are kind & affectionate, nurturing, have inner peace.
🍃Our Anahata is connected to the green Fall leaf colors of the Pine, Cedar, and Cypress trees. The next time you see these gorgeous trees, bring your awareness to your Heart chakra, and remember we are always connected to the earth, and her creations!
💦 We travel up to our Throat Chakra, our Vissudha. The Throat Chakra is located in the neck, is light blue, or turquoise in color, and its element is spirit. The throat chakra focuses on speaking our truth, expression through voice, communication, judgement, and living one's truth. A few crystals connected here are Turquoise, blue lace agate, Aquamarine, Blue Kyanite, Amazonite. Some essential oils are Chamomile, geranium, lemongrass, myrrh, pine, sage, and tangerine. When our throat chakra is in balance, we live by & speak our truth, are content being quiet in uncomfortable situations, able to express truth without anger, encourage others to speak their truth.
💧Our Vissudha is connected to the light blue Fall leaf colors of the Blue Spruce trees. The next time you see these gorgeous trees, bring your awareness to your Throat chakra, and remember we are always connected to the earth, and her creations!
🌎 Next in line is our Third Eye Chakra, our Ajna. The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the forehead, is indigo in color, and its element is light. The third eye chakra focuses on intuition, wisdom, judgment, our connection to universal or divine energy. A few crystals connected to the third eye are Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Labradorite, Flourite, Azurite. A few essential oils are lavender, peppermint, rosemary, spruce, thyme, clary sage, juniper berry. When our third eye is in balance, we trust our own intuition, able to learn from all experiences good & bad, open to new ideas & guidance, open to potential, remain objective, able to detach from things which no longer serve us.
🫐 Because there are no deep indigo blue leaves on our trees, I chose the beautiful sky, at dawn and at twilight to connect to our Third Eye. The next time you see the early morning sky, or the sky after dusk, bring your awareness to your Third Eye chakra, and remember we are always connected to the earth, and her creations! Discover ways to open this indigo blue energy center, and find balance!
🕉️ Our Sahasrara is connected to the purple Fall leaf colors of the Dogwood and Mountain Ash trees. The next time you see these gorgeous trees, bring your awareness to your Crown chakra, and remember we are always connected to the earth, and her creations!
🍁🍂 We have opened all of our chakras through so many beautiful Fall trees! We have found balance! Begin to draw in a deep inhale through the nose, from the toes to the crown, and then slowly exhale through the mouth to reawaken for the day! Slowly begin to welcome in movement to the fingers and the toes, circling through the wrists and ankles, bending into the elbows and the knees. Eventually the hands reach overhead, and the toes reach forward, into a full body stretch, as we inhale. As we exhale, draw the knees into the chest for a hug, grateful for the breath and body during this practice. We take that gratitude with us as we roll to our favorite side, the right or the left, the sun or the moon, into our fetal position, the posture of rebirth, transformation, and renewal. And when you're ready, and not a moment before, meet me in a comfortable seat, crossing the legs or finding a half or full lotus. The spine lengthens to the crown, the crown reaching for the heavens. Inhale as we reach the hands up overhead, gathering all we've cultivated, and bring the hands to heart center, with a gentle bow of the head. Thank you for joining me for your practice. It is always an honor and a joy to hold this healing space for you. May you leave with a more peaceful mind, open and loving heart, and a renewed body and soul. The light in me, sees, honors, and humbly bows, to the light that is in you. Namaste.
🌲Discover the chakras in every bit of nature!
🍎🔥☀️🌲💦 🌎🕉️