1 Year Teaching Anniversary! + Santosha: Content within.

1 Year Teaching Anniversary! + Santosha: Content within.

☀️✨”Growth is never linear, often moving a few steps back, often zig-zigzagging, often stuck in a valley, pausing, and climbing. Embrace the peace that comes with the varying pace of growth, Embrace the peace that comes with contentment.”



🍃 Hello beautiful souls! Today we celebrated my 1 Year Anniversary of teaching!! 🥳🧘🏻‍♀️1️⃣ This week, one year ago, I taught my first 60 minute yoga class! I still recall the fear of public speaking, praying my voice would not shake! I’d memorized my flow for the past month😂, and was relieved to have finished with no huge mistakes. A fellow teacher trainee in my class commented that my voice and teaching was “confident yet calming,” and I was so pleased with her comforting words! I remember the thrill & excitement that washed over me as I embarked on this new journey of healing, both within myself and to offer to my community.



🍃The week before I dove into the 1st niyama: saucha , or purity, and so this week I added Santosha, or contentment, into today’s anniversary class! I used to describe contentment as settling… neither incredibly joyous nor scraping the bottom. But now, I see contentment as inner peace. Peace during times of difficulty, embracing gratitude & joy in little moments, free from want & envy of what others have, or who we perceive them to be. Realizing the constant chase for happiness will never bring us closer to it. Pause. Turn inward. Self-love. Finding freedom to pursue our calling, letting go of outside judgements & ideas of perfection, both on & off our mats. Believing that true happiness lies within us, when we stop searching outside ourselves. I felt pressure (placed upon myself of my own doing) upon graduating teacher training to be a particular kind of teacher. But I’ve found the courage to let go, listened to my body, and my mind, the cycles & seasons they travel through, and now teach what I believe is needed in our community. Mental health will always be my core focus. During this past year, since graduation, I’ve found contentment in knowing that what we offer is needed in this world. That’s inner peace. That is Santosha.




🍃And so, today, I taught the same flow I taught one year ago! I sprinkled in a few things that have become part of my signature class: extended pranayama, self-healing reiki, a few unique  transitional movements that love, and of course my beloved somatic tools & exercises I incorporate for trauma or tension release. We did a full body cleanse! Yoga helps us shed what we no longer need, so we may see our most purest selves!


🍃That’s what I LOVE about yoga, it renews the soul! What we do on the mat, transforms our life off the mat! It is beautiful!!


🍃Listen to my “Santosha” class playlist here! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2nFZ9O3zIaEfzQOJEEGDVo?si=ihNTHVsRR3KkWd5sUc3QPQ&pi=u-ncbtJpK_Tayc


🍃Come practice with me Mondays at 8:15am!🫶🏻 ✨🌿

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