Speak Your Satya…

Speak Your Satya…


☀️✨“Be so authentic that others feel safe to be themselves too!”

🍁 Hey yogis! In my last post, I talked about how funny it is, when we are first introduced to yoga, we learn about the asana, the poses & shapes our bodies create, but the asana is actually the 3rd limb of 8 limbs of yoga! There’s so much MORE! We skip right over the first 2 very important limbs! So, in class, I pressed the rewind button, and we started at the beginning, with the 1st limb of yoga: the Yamas, tools for transformation in our lives!

🍂 This week we dove into the second Yama, Satya! Truth & honesty, and how we can embrace this both on and off our mats! Our mat can serve as one of the biggest eye-openers for how we live our lives. We find truth by listening to our bodies, being honest with where we are in each moment, moving only in healing ways, only extending to our soft edge, skipping what we need to skip, finding rest, or intensity when we need it.

🍁Every time we lifted our heart, we also opened our throat chakra, Vishuddha, so that we may feel the freedom in speaking our truth!

🍂And finally, we embraced the fact that when we arrive on our mats, we shed the layers we’ve accumulated: judgement, criticism, self-doubt, worry, stress, misunderstanding, apathy, comparison, unworthiness. That’s all those are: false layers. Yoga helps us shed what we no longer need, so we may see our truest selves. Our purest, most honest soul!

🍁That’s what I LOVE about yoga, it nourishes the body, heals the mind, and renews us! What we do on the mat, transforms our life off the mat! It is beautiful!!

🍂Stay tuned for more on how my words from my yoga classes can transform our daily lives!🫶🏻 Next Monday’s class: we’re taking a break from the Yamas for the Fall Equinox!!🍁🍂🤎💛



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