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“Saucha: New Year Cleanse”

“Saucha: New Year Cleanse”

  ☀️✨”The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it becomes difficult to see, when it’s calm, everything becomes clear.” ~ Prasad Mahes.   🍃 Hello beautiful souls! HAPPY NEW...

“Saucha: New Year Cleanse”

  ☀️✨”The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it becomes difficult to see, when it’s calm, everything becomes clear.” ~ Prasad Mahes.   🍃 Hello beautiful souls! HAPPY NEW...

✨Happy New Year!!🎊🥂✨

✨Happy New Year!!🎊🥂✨

🍃My little devotion & intention for 2024!✨🎊🍃 .🌱May we embody the knowledge that we are connected to the earth. To the soul, the trees, the air, every living thing, the...

✨Happy New Year!!🎊🥂✨

🍃My little devotion & intention for 2024!✨🎊🍃 .🌱May we embody the knowledge that we are connected to the earth. To the soul, the trees, the air, every living thing, the...

Restore. Revive. Renew.

Restore. Revive. Renew.

☀️✨“People, even more than things, need to be restored, renewed, and revived. When we restore balance in our own lives, this in turn brings balance & healing to the world.”...

Restore. Revive. Renew.

☀️✨“People, even more than things, need to be restored, renewed, and revived. When we restore balance in our own lives, this in turn brings balance & healing to the world.”...

“Today, We Give Thanks…”

“Today, We Give Thanks…”

  ☀️✨“I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, for friends that turned into family, for dreams that turned into reality.”   🍁 🦃 Hello beautiful friends! In today’s...

“Today, We Give Thanks…”

  ☀️✨“I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, for friends that turned into family, for dreams that turned into reality.”   🍁 🦃 Hello beautiful friends! In today’s...

Aparigraha, No Longer Captive!

Aparigraha, No Longer Captive!

  ☀️✨“To let go is to find freedom in the present, to no longer be captive to the past, or the future. When we release the weight we carry, we...

Aparigraha, No Longer Captive!

  ☀️✨“To let go is to find freedom in the present, to no longer be captive to the past, or the future. When we release the weight we carry, we...

Brahmacharya: In Moderation, We Find the Secrets of Happiness.

Brahmacharya: In Moderation, We Find the Secret...

  ☀️✨“Moderation. Small Helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness & good health. ~Julia Child.   🍁 Hey friends! Today’s class was so fun!...

Brahmacharya: In Moderation, We Find the Secret...

  ☀️✨“Moderation. Small Helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness & good health. ~Julia Child.   🍁 Hey friends! Today’s class was so fun!...